Hello and welcome! We’re glad you’re here! Whether you’re looking for a new worship experience or have moved to Henderson and are hoping to reconnect with the Episcopal Church, we hope that these pages give you a picture of who we are at St. Paul's and how you can be a part of our Parish Family.
We are a diverse group of people from every walk of life. We’re farmers, factory workers, homemakers, and executives. We’re cradle Episcopalians and folks who just came to the Church recently. We’re liberal, conservative, black, brown, white, or somewhere in between any of these descriptions. Some of us wear “church clothes," while others are more comfortable in jeans and sandals. Regardless of how we define ourselves, however, we all call ourselves Christians.
We know our differences make us richer and our common faith makes us stronger. Seeker, saint, sinner, or cynic, we hope you find what you're looking for here and will visit us at the corner of Center and Green Street in downtown Henderson. We've been here since 1831, and we'll be here to welcome you through our blessed red doors. God bless you with the peace and joy of Jesus Christ.
Our History
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has been at the heart of Henderson since its founding in 1831. The current church building, consecrated in 1860, is a Pointed Gothic structure in the Old English style. The building of the first organ, made by the Simmons and Wilcox Company of Boston, began that year as well. In 1868 a choir loft gallery was added at the back of the church, and in 1890 the stained glass windows depicting scenes from the life of St. Paul were installed over the altar. Other windows in the church were given as memorials over many years.
In 1907, several structural changes to the church began. A new organ was donated with the request that it be placed in the chancel. The choir loft was removed and a new choir chancel was constructed for the new instrument. At this time the windows at the west end of the nave were installed in the place of the choir loft, and improvements were made to the steeple and rear gable of the church. The newest windows in the church date from the 1920s. Learn more about our historic organ here.
Our Mission
The mission of St. Paulʼs is to be the Body of Christ and instruments of his love and grace committed to serve and nurture this church and community.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church