We are a diverse group of people from every walk of life. We’re farmers, factory workers, homemakers, and executives. We’re cradle Episcopalians and folks who just came to the Church recently. We’re liberal, conservative, black, brown, white, or somewhere in between any of these descriptions. Some of us wear “church clothes," while others are more comfortable in jeans and sandals. Regardless of how we define ourselves, however, we all call ourselves Christians.
St. Paul's is much more, however, than the bricks and mortar. St. Paul's is the people who have worshipped and prayed , learning and grown, and cared and served for almost two centuries
St. Paul's Episcopal Church is committed to the well being of our community. Our outreach is diverse and important. Prayer Shawl Ministry, Christian Community Outreach, and more
Our Vestry members work hard to keep the business of the church on track and viable.
Sunday Worship on Facebook Live
If you are unable to attend Sunday service at St. Paul's, please watch us on Facebook Live